Good Day, valued reader! Why, what a wonderful day it is, do you not agree? How do you enjoy the fraternal song of the birds, and the diligent humming of the bees? Very much I trust!
Isn’t it most pleasant to have a wholesome conversation like such?
Unfortunately, I have reached the limit of my capacity to write in a fancy manner, therefore we’ll have to settle with my usual brutish phrasing.
‘Ello! ‘Ow ‘ve you been t’day?
(As this is a short entry, a formulation like the latter is probably good enough anyway.)
The three (3) tools, we’d like to introduce you to in this easy-to-consume chapter are – as usual – coming right out of the real world, ‘stead of being limited to the sphere of ideas and possibilities; AND are easy to commence in without a lot of training, or knowledge. They don’t take up any significant amount of time or financial resources (money, man!) but are going to benefit you immensely, if you let them.
Tool number one (1): MORE POSSIBILITIES
“There are millions of possibilities to have a unique experience!”
That’s a line we found analogously at the homepage of the “Europäische Reiseversicherung” (“European Travel Insurance”).
Probably strange to quote the homepage of an insurance company here, but whatever. We’re strange people. If you look at any (travel-) insurance company, the effort of providing a delightful experience for people, is a very gallant one. All it takes to see the beauty in this concept is a little tilt of perspective.
Tool number two (due): USING ONE’S OWN POTENTIAL
Pope Francis has a sign right outside of his private chambers. “Vietato Lamentarsi”, or translated: “It is forbidden to lament”. The head of the catholic church isn’t keen on welcoming guests who moan and whine, as the journalist Andrea Tornielli reports on the Website Vatican Insider. Il papa received it from a psychologist at an audience.
Beneath said main rule, there are a few lines to further define it. “In order to solve problems, you have to concentrate on your potentials, instead of your limits. You don’t want to put yourself in the position of the victim. Look positively at life and change it for the better, as much as you can! If children are present, the ban is to be respected even more conscientious.” (That’s hardly an exact translation, but it’s sticks to the main points of the wording.)
And if even the pope says so…
Tool number five minus two: MORE SUPPORTAINMENT
Just as cool, but less abstract, is
When checking out the Site you’ll find wonderful projects, thoughts, ideas, and “helping entertainment” in abundance.
The team puts a spotlight on positive matters, makes them visible and informs readers. And it shows means of leading a groovier life, man.
That’s their dedication: transferring our focal point to optimistic issues, and henceforth bettering our view of the world, and therefore itself.
Supportainment in its purest form!
Alright then, that’s it, the end of today’s entry.
Have you written down the three tools? Did you enjoy them? Okay, then what were they, huh???
Possibilities (Perspective), Potential (using your energy for the right cause), and “Supportainment” (finding the right phenomena to wrap your worldview around).
And I have a little fourth one: Talk fancy from time to time, I beseech thee!
And never forget, the world needs YOU to rub the good, honest and beautiful in its face.
-Simon, your affectionate 6/24-blogger